New Jersey

Donationer & Stipendier

SWEA New Jersey utlyser årligen stipendium(er) på en total summa av USD 6.000. Dessutom doneras runt USD 10.000 till  diverse Sverigefrämjande projekt, som Svenska kyrkan i New York, Svenska museet i Philadelphia.
Apply for donations

SWEA New Jersey Chapter awards donations for projects that promote Swedish traditions and culture and are described in SWEA statues. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and the deadline is October 1, 2025. 

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Tidigare stipendiater/ Prior scholarships awards

2023 Scholarship Recipients

Sean Jaeger - $3000 Sean Jaeger is an architecture student at NJIT, with a minor in environmental science and sustainability.  Sean received SWEA NJ Scholarship to help him fund his participation in a newly created…

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