SWEA New Jersey Chapter awards donations for projects that promote Swedish traditions and culture and are described in SWEA statues to be:
…”for charitable and educational purposes in activities related to the support, preservation, promotion and development of Swedish history, language, culture, and tradition in the world”.
Donations are awarded only to organizations with a non-profit status.
You may request a donation by submitting a written application with a detailed description of the project including the planned schedule of the project, the financial request and a budget, and the reason for seeking funding. The application should also include an explanation of how the donation will be acknowledged and publicized.
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and the last day for applications is October 1, 2024. Generally, the applications are evaluated as they are received and the donations are awarded by the end of the year. Exceptions can be made due to urgent requests and the donation can be awarded before the end the year.
Inquiries concerning the donations should be directed to the President of SWEA New Jersey via e-mail to: newjersey@swea.org